Approved Contractors

If your company specialises in the treatment of rising damp, here is a good business opportunity for you

A business opportunity with the most advanced technology

If your company specialises in the treatment of rising damp, you have a website focused on this pathology and you want to work with the most advanced technology, just fill out the form below to apply to be an Approved Contractor.

It is increasingly clear that companies need to specialise in order to be the best in their field and be able to provide added value to their customers.

The MURSEC ECO uses the latest cutting edge technology to give your customers the added value and quality they need and expect.

Calcium Carbide Testing Kit for rising damp
Calcium Carbide Testing Kit for rising damp
Calcium Carbide Testing Kit for rising damp

Apply to become an Approved Contractor

We will quickly evaluate your request and will contact you personally so that you can succeed with this business opportunity the sooner the better.